Allegra Design-Marketing-Print Helps Businesses Implement Multi-channel Communications

Barbara Kieker

Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Businesses can improve the return on their marketing investments by implementing multi-channel communications, according to Fran Hargarten, owner of Allegra Design-Marketing-Print, a locally owned and operated marketing services firm. 

"As an example, combining print and digital communications in a marketing campaign usually produces better response rates," Hargarten said.  

"Since you broaden the number of potential customers with multiple touches, your ROI can improve, as well as attaining an increase in brand awareness.” 

In addition to multi-channel communication strategies, another area of increased focus for Allegra is website development, often in conjunction with SEO, SEM advertising or direct mail strategies.  For example, a direct mail piece can direct people to a web address to sign up for a promotional piece or further information, creating a list of prospective customers for a business, or even facilitating customer purchase and payment transactions. 

"Clients are looking to websites with strategically aligned marketing communications for more commerce opportunities.  That's the area that is getting more attention now, especially in the area of mobile devices" Hargarten said. 

Allegra Design-Marketing-Print has been in business for more than 25 years with Hargarten as the owner for the last five years.  It provides a variety of marketing services including direct mail, website design and development and creative design. Allegra has five full-time employees plus seasonal part-time help. 

Delivering value to more clients in 2014

Business for Allegra so far in 2014 is up over the same period in 2013.  While business in 2013 was down compared to 2012, Allegra picked up new clients throughout the year and that is driving growth in 2014, according to Hargarten. 

"Our clients tend to be small- to medium-size businesses within a 50-mile radius of Columbus, although we do some work with larger corporations spread throughout the southeastern United States.  We typically work with more local area clients on a project basis,” said Hargarten. 

"Our mission is to Enhance the value of businesses we serve.  We do that by providing personal attention, a competitive price and a very good understanding of what our clients are trying to accomplish." 

More information on Allegra Design-Marketing-Print is available at

About Barbara Kieker

Barbara Kieker is a freelance writer who writes on business-related topics for a number of web-based properties. She also provides communications services to Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses and nonprofit organizations.