Activ8 Summer Camps at CSU Give Kids Skills for Life

Kristin Barker

Monday, April 13th, 2015

For kids, summer can be a time for new experiences and the introduction of knowledge that activates a lifetime of learning and growth. As a parent, you want to take advantage of every possible opportunity for your child to develop the skills that will benefit them as they mature into adulthood.

You may ask yourself what role summer camps might play in this development. The Children's Aid Society has published the following in their Summary of the Developmental Needs of Children.

The 8 basic needs are stated as follows:

  • The Need for Physical Activity
  • The Need for Competence and Achievement
  • The Need for Self-Definition
  • The Need for Creative Self-Expression
  • The Need for Positive Social Interactions
  • The Need for Structure and Clear Limits
  • The Need for Meaningful Participation
  • The Need for Strong Attachment with Positive Adults 

In general terms, camp is the perfect partner to family, school, and community activities. Both day and sleep-away camps support positive childhood development, and attending camp will help your child learn decision-making, independence, and social skills that lead to a lifetime of success.

Children who attend camp get comfortable with making decisions and learn new ways of expressing themselves in a structured environment that is more flexible than a traditional classroom education. Kids need appropriate opportunities to learn what skills they excel at and to begin to develop competencies in those areas. 

"Most children experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer,” says Stephani Gunderson, Director of the Activ8 summer camp program at Columbus State University. “Our fun and educational camps help to keep your child’s brain and body stimulated throughout the summer." This exploration will ultimately encourage them to participate in meaningful activities that benefit them personally as well as society as a whole.

Raising kids who are well rounded, healthy, and physically fit is also increasingly important in a society that values lightning quick meals and fast food. It isn't easy to raise active, nutritionally aware children, and camps encourage children to try new physical activities. This keeps kids moving instead of sitting in front of a television playing video games. Even camps that are focused on artistic activities like theatre, music, or photography generally provide plenty of time for structured physical activity. 

Summer camp activities encourage kids to try new things and can stretch kids out of their comfort zone. Being forced outside of comfortable situations builds self-confidence, courage, and flexibility. These types of experiences give kids a valuable sense of accomplishment; once children see what they can achieve, they are more likely to persevere and to believe they can accomplish future goals and to develop a positive sense of self and individuality, an important source for the challenging years of adolescence ahead.

As Angie Chapman explains, “Our two daughters attend the Activ8 camps every summer, and they love it. Every year they are so excited to learn new skills, make new friends, and have new, exciting experiences. I love that they have become confident, more well-rounded little ladies because of their experiences in Activ8.” 

Finally, group summer camp activities teach kids about teamwork and help them to feel more connected to others. This can also be an effective way to take the attention and focus off of a child and teach him or her about helping others, a valuable lesson to learn. The relationships that children develop during day and sleep away camps are priceless. Most adults who attended summer camp have fond memories of the relationships that developed during this time in their lives.

Select the right camp for your child based on the values that you would like to see reinforced. Choose a camp that allows your child to experiment and learn new skills in a safe environment. The benefits that your child receives from attending summer camp are sure to exceed the investment that you make.

Camp experiences, unlike other forms of education, are usually less stressful and more fun. This environment can stimulate remarkable personal transformation. Hundreds of children participate in the Activ8 summer camp program at Columbus State every year, and watching teens and kids mature as the result of their summer camp experience is incredibly satisfying.

For more information on registering for Activ8 Summer Camps at CSU, please click here.