Columbus Tech Adult Ed/GED/ESL Students Honored at Pinning Ceremony

Staff Report From Columbus CEO

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

Several dozen students were honored at Columbus Technical College recently by either successfully completing their GED testing and/or earning their certification in ESL. The students hail from all over the Columbus Tech six-county service area, including a group of Army officers from Fort Benning’s Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The June 2nd ceremony was held in the 200+ seat McCaulley auditorium at the College on Manchester Expressway as family, friends and loved ones looked on.

The difference of earning a high school diploma or equivalency versus not completing high school is staggering. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average income difference is more than $10,000 per year for high school grads or GED earners as compared to drop-outs. If you your a loved one was unable to complete high school – for any reason- please have them contact our division of Adult Education at 706-641-5620. Let us help them get on the road for a successful, rewarding future.