About Jerry Scher

Authored 1 article.

Jerry Scher - Founder and Principal at Peak Focus
Jerry’s known by many names -- business builder, executive, conference speaker, trainer, facilitator, coach, mentor. Regardless of the title, the end result is the same -- making people around him significantly more successful. His ability to diagnose business issues and effectively communicate appropriate solutions, that can be acted upon quickly, truly differentiates him.

About Peak Focus

Peak Focus is the only soft skills training, coaching and publishing group dedicated to helping select entrepreneurs, professionals and business owners create sustainable businesses.   www.peakfocuscoach.com


  • Manage Your Future – Building your personal brand...

    Features, July 18, 2014

    Have you ever wondered why certain people always appear to be in te right place at the right time? You know the ones I’m talking about; they always seem to get the next great opportunity; the promotion, the new job, the big order. In a world with so much noise and so many choices, how do we set ourselves apart and actually differentiate who we are? How do we become this sought-after person?